The Electric Diary | No. 39

Age: 45

What was your relationship like with your vulva before participating in this project?

Precisely about 4 months ago I began a process of self-awareness and awakening of my sexual energy, and a part of this process is seeing your genitals, in this case my vulva as something beautiful, natural, something that is part of me and above all something that I do not have to be "ashamed of". My relationship with my vulva was "zero" for a long time, because despite being part of my body and sexuality I did not know it, I did not dare to see it and explore it for was an unknown and forbidden area for last partner knew her more than I did, for me it was a "taboo" to know her and explore her, I was very ashamed just thinking about seeing her.

What does pleasure feel like to you?

For me, pleasure is felt at every moment and from each of the 5 senses, and it is like an electric shock of great emotion and energy. I can feel pleasure from the taste when I drink my cup of coffee in the morning, when I see the blue sky. when I go for a walk, listening to a melody that relaxes me, seeing the sea, the mountains, having a glass of wine, walking barefoot, kissing someone I like... making love and sharing myself intimately with someone.

Describe your experience with the Genital Electric.

I offered to participate in the project and I felt very safe at first, but when the time came to take the photographs, that "fear" woke up in me again, ashamed of seeing "that space" almost unknown to me. I felt very nervous and embarrassed with myself, after having a glass of wine, lighting a candle and putting on some soft music, I started to take the photos... and I started to tell myself that this was a gift for me to honor that part to which I had not given its place or importance for many years, little by little I felt more secure and I felt more connected to myself and with more love for myself and my vulva❤️ I felt much more love for myself and much more connected with myself and my feminine energy!!

When I saw my vulva in neon I felt a HUGE emotion and I couldn't believe how beautiful, powerful and sensual it looked... and above all to think that it was me!!, that part that I never saw, that I kept hidden and that I saw with shame ...and now I see it more beautiful than ever thanks to this art and by allowing myself to open up to the experience

Thank you, thank you, infinite thanks to this WONDERFUL artist who has created this work, I love her art and her vision of how to exalt sensuality and give a place to the feminine!!


The Electric Diary No. 40


The Electric Diary | No. 38